GraphQL in .NET: Error Handling

GraphQL in .NET: Error Handling

In our journey with GraphQL, sooner or later, we are going to need to pick a strategy to handle errors during mutations. There is a great post "A Guide to GraphQL Errors" where the author shows several options (its pros and cons). Based on this, we will implement the last stage presented there: Stage 6a: Error Union List + Interface.

We will modify the code presented here, please clone or download it. Open the solution and add a file named IError.cs with the following content:

public interface IError
    string Message { get; set; }

public class NotEmptyError : IError
    public string Message { get; set; } = null!;

    public NotEmptyError(string field)
        Message= $"The {field} is required";

public class MaxLengthError : IError
    public string Message { get; set; } = null!;

    public MaxLengthError(string field, int maxLength)
        Message = $"The max length for {field} is {maxLength}";

Open the PostMutations.cs file, and modify the AddPostPayload record as follow:

public record AddPostPayload(Post? post, IError[]? errors);

In the same file, modify the AddPost method with the following content:

public AddPostPayload AddPost(AddPostInput input, [Service] Storage storage)
    var errors = new List<IError>();

        errors.Add(new NotEmptyError(nameof(AddPostInput.Body)));

    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Title))
        errors.Add(new NotEmptyError(nameof(AddPostInput.Title)));

    if (input.Body?.Length >= 256)
        errors.Add(new MaxLengthError(nameof(AddPostInput.Body), 256));

    if (input.Title?.Length >= 1024)
        errors.Add(new MaxLengthError(nameof(AddPostInput.Title), 1024));

    if (errors.Any())
        return new AddPostPayload(null, errors.ToArray());

    var post = new Post() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Body = input.Body, Title = input.Title };


    return new AddPostPayload(post, null);

All the code to support the errors is done, time to setup the schema to support it. Start creating a file named ErrorType.cs. Here we are going to register an interface, two errors and an union:

public class ErrorType : InterfaceType<IError>
    protected override void Configure(
        IInterfaceTypeDescriptor<IError> descriptor)

public class MaxLengthErrorType : ObjectType<MaxLengthError>
    protected override void Configure(
        IObjectTypeDescriptor<MaxLengthError> descriptor)

public class NotEmptyErrorType : ObjectType<NotEmptyError>
    protected override void Configure(
        IObjectTypeDescriptor<NotEmptyError> descriptor)

public class AddPostPayloadErrorType : UnionType
    protected override void Configure(IUnionTypeDescriptor descriptor)

Create a file named AddPostPayloadType.cs with the following content:

public class AddPostPayloadType : ObjectType<AddPostPayload>
    protected override void Configure(IObjectTypeDescriptor<AddPostPayload> descriptor)
            .Field(f =>


And finally, update the PostMutationsType.cs file as follows:

public class PostMutationsType : ObjectType<PostMutations>
    protected override void Configure(
        IObjectTypeDescriptor<PostMutations> descriptor)
        descriptor.Field(f => f.AddPost(default!, default!)).Type<AddPostPayloadType>();
        descriptor.Field(f => f.RemovePost(default!, default!));
        descriptor.Field(f => f.EditPost(default!, default!));

Run the solution, go to https://localhost:7121/graphql/ and run the following mutation:

mutation {
  addPost(input: { body: "", title: "" }) {
    post {
    errors {
      ... on MaxLengthError {
      ... on NotEmptyError {

To see a result such as:

  "data": {
    "addPost": {
      "post": null,
      "errors": [
          "message": "The Body is required"
          "message": "The Title is required"

We did it! but there is a lot of boilerplate code. Luckily, HotChocolate has an implementation of this pattern out of the box with a difference, the errors are going to be thrown as exceptions. Create a new file NotFoundException.cs as follows:

public class NotFoundException : Exception
    public NotFoundException(Guid id) : base($"The with {id} was not found")

Open the PostMutations.cs file and modify the EditPost method with the following content:

public Post EditPost(EditPostInput input, [Service] Storage storage)
    var post = storage.Posts.FirstOrDefault(post => post.Id == input.Id);
        throw new NotFoundException(input.Id);
    post.Body = input.Body;
    return post;

Go to the PostMutationsType.cs file and update the code as follow:

public class PostMutationsType : ObjectType<PostMutations>
    protected override void Configure(
        IObjectTypeDescriptor<PostMutations> descriptor)
        descriptor.Field(f => f.AddPost(default!, default!)).Type<AddPostPayloadType>();
        descriptor.Field(f => f.RemovePost(default!, default!));
        descriptor.Field(f => f.EditPost(default!, default!))

Finally, go to the Program.cs file and enable the mutation conventions with AddMutationConventions:

    .AddMutationConventions(applyToAllMutations: false)

Run the solution and run the following mutation:

mutation {
  editPost(input: { body: "abc", id: "5e629e6fb8d64126196c7d12cb6f8a6a" }) {
    post {
    errors {
      ... on NotFoundError {

To get the same result as our manual implementation:

  "data": {
    "editPost": {
      "post": null,
      "errors": [
          "message": "The with 5e629e6f-b8d6-4126-196c-7d12cb6f8a6a was not found"

You can check more about this feature here. The final code of this post is available here. Thanks, and happy coding.